My name is Elisa, and I love the process of getting my hands dirty in order to make beautiful things! There is something quite special about taking a clump of earth and transforming it into something a person would happily drink out of, plant something in, or display as decoration in their home.

I had my first try at pottery during my first year in high school. I loved it so much I took it every subsequent year. In college I really wanted to take more courses, but since I wasn’t in the art program, they didn’t want my money. After college, it took eleven years for me to finally find my way back to what I loved. And as a loving hobby would do, it was waiting for me with open arms (which not surprisingly were covered with clay). Thanks Pottery!

When I’m not in the studio, you may find me out on the trails cruising on my red rollerskates, in the classroom teaching kids reading and mathematics, on a mountain hiking, playing guitar anywhere, or laughing at funny dogs and cats.